Women's home Trenčín

Duration of project activities: 07/2015 - 04/2017

Programme: Domestic and gender-based violence

Project number: DGV03002

Project grant: Norwegian Financial Mechanism, co-financed from the state budget of the Slovak Republic in the amount of 739 840 € 

Project objectives: Establishment of a new women's safe house, which will meet at least European standards and part of the valuable above-standard for safe housing for mothers with children, victims of partner, gender-based violence, taking into account the requirements of barrier-free design of the building, in which clients will be provided with comprehensive services based on the principle of empowering the rights of the victim.

Project Summary: The problem of contemporary society is that, despite declarations of equality between the sexes, women are discriminated against in many areas of life (e.g. remuneration in employment, positions in management, politics). Financial dependence on a partner is one of the factors involved in the power of men over women. Many women, fearing the impossibility of securing housing and income for themselves and their children, stay with the abuser. A women's safe house is a place where women and their children can be provided with the basic necessities of life, mitigate harm, strengthen their confidence and self-esteem, support them in building a sense of independence from the abuser and enable them to start a fulfilling life. 

This project will enable the building of capacities for safe housing for women and children in the Trenčín region, in the city of Trenčín, which is a regional city providing sufficient opportunities for ensuring anonymity and safety of our clients. This is the construction of a completely new facility. The House for Women is designed to fulfil the functions of a shelter for women and children who find themselves in a crisis situation. Social, legal and psychological counselling will be provided at the Women's Safe House.

The project will also focus on raising awareness through information campaigns of the Trenčín Self-Governing Region, the aim of which will be to raise the awareness of the general public about violence against women, which is often difficult to detect and hidden from the outside, and also about the possibilities, forms and means of addressing violence against women and children.

Project evaluation: Safe Women's House was put into operation  v 05/2017. The facility has 21 residential units with a capacity of 53 persons. Each apartment has its own bathroom, equipped kitchen, refrigerator, TV set, furniture. In the common areas there is a lobby, therapy room, playroom for children, laundry room, kitchenette and social worker's office. The facility includes a large yard and a garden terrace. It is located in a secure environment in a gated compound protected by CCTV. 

BJD provides social, psychological and legal counselling.

Project partners: Trenčín Self-Governing Region, Social Services of the City of Trenčín m.r.o., Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family Trenčín, International Development Norway AS, Trenčín A. Dubček University in Trenčín

Project contract: 1024/2015 | Central Register of Contracts (gov.sk)