Garden house for various forms of therapy of the mother-child bond

Duration of project activities: 04/2020 - 06/2020

Project grant: City of Trenčín 

Project objectives: The main aim of the project is to create a safe space in the exterior of the facility in the form of a garden house, which will serve as a basis for various forms of therapy of the mother-child relationship, which is often disrupted as a result of domestic violence against women, which the children have directly witnessed. 

Project Summary: The house will be used year-round as a safe space for mothers with children, preferably for children up to 6 years of age, as this period is crucial for relational bonding and failure to form a good enough bond has lifelong consequences for the child in their future relationships. We also plan to include an inclusive cinema for mothers with children, as they often do not have this opportunity due to financial resources, safety from meeting an aggressor, and problematic behaviour, which children in our facility often exhibit as a result of trauma they have experienced. The cinema would be implemented regularly in the house with the use of a data projector. We also see its use in the various discussions and workshops on relational bonding that will be provided to mothers.

Project outcome: With the funds provided, we prepared a concrete foundation for the construction of a therapy house and purchased tuli bags, which are currently being used in our therapy room.